Thursday, April 2, 2009

The Party did not sing.

"The birds sang, the proles sang, the Party did not sing...Out of these mighty loins a race of conscious beings must one day come. You were the dead; theirs was the future. But you could share in that future if you kept alive the mind as they kept alive the body, and passed on the secret doctrine that two plus two make four." (Orwell 220-221).

Winston and Julia see the "red-armed" prole woman outside of their window, and Winston finds her beautiful as he discusses her child-bearing hips and the fact that she must have had fifteen children at least. He sees in her a hope for the future, in her children and generations to come. He says that the ignorant people "sing," they are happy. However, he has always believed that if people were only to gain intelligence, they might make themselves free by rebelling against Big Brother. Here he sees a hope for the future in the combination of the two: happy people, willing and able to bear children who may be our hope for the future, and intelligent people to pass on knowledge and let it slowly build up over centuries.

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